Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Crime and Order Maintenance in Celtic and Roman Britain

Cells were stripped of Civil rights, practicing a profession unable to leave ribald territory loss of status within the community. Today we have electronic tagging to keep a person within a confined space, sometime people are given community sentence which helps redeem themselves 2. * People in Roman Times were tried before a Governor for crimes as the same as a judge in modern day * They were given prison sentences to deter them for refunding by instilling fear in them, this happens today with both fine and Jail sentences. * People were condemned to the mines to work.Again in modern day times this could be seen as a harsher community service. Marc McFadden HU0022914 Diploma in Criminal Psychology â€Å"The punishment of present day offenders has elements of the Celtic and Roman approaches. † When we look at how law and punishment is upheld today in Britain we can go back thousands of years into our history to see some similarities in Celtic and Roman times. There society. The re were different levels of kinship within the community, the lowest being a person who had infringed on the law. Infractions would result in fines.As there were no prisons or police force during this time, the responsibility to punish an offender was stowed upon the Kin and extended family. If they were of modest status, a guarantor would be set in place to ensure the fine was paid. This relates in today's punishment system as a bail. If the offender was unable to pay the fine then the guarantor was eligible to seize property from the offender. If someone were of lower class, unable to obtain a guarantor or pay the fine they would suffer a loss of civil rights, the right to practice a profession or possibly be excluded from religious rites.In modern society a prison sentence removes these same rites. The threat of isolation and loss of status was an important tool in keeping people within the law. Britain was invaded by Rome in DAD and on gaining control and power it was initially content to utilize the Cells peacekeeping arrangements. Surrounding free states and British countryside kept their own laws albeit they didn't conflict with the laws of Rome. Julius Gorilla became Governor in DAD chief Justice for both civil and criminal matters.He would gain advantage over Britons by using terror in order to stop crime. He would travel the province holding session courts as well as in the capital. Listening to both citizens and Roman citizens should they wish to be tried in Rome This is similar with the likes of our Court system today. The Biggest change in comparison to The Cells way of punishment is that Roman Britain had Capital punishment where only the Governor could give such a sentence as well as the condemnation to the mines.By now there were men in the form of police, Jailers and executioners. There methods were viewed as brutal ranging from flogging, imprisonment, slavery in the mines and even death by crucifixion, however they were there for the one reas on to instill fear that people would not offend and if they did the repercussions would deter them against it a second time. Julius successfully maintained order for the 7 years he held the post. Up until the 3rd century Britain had two different law codes, native and Roman.However by DADA with an invasion to Gaul by the Germans forced General Constantine Ill out of power and the expulsion of all reaming Roman administrators in Britain. Britons had seized power of the province and wrote to the Emperor Honoring asking for legal authority for their actions and sought independence from the Emperor. In conclusion although there have been many changes to our Justice system throughout time, many of the key elements remain from both Celtic and Roman Britain.

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